Travel To Another Realm

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Conjuring  ► Travel To Another Realm
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mind
  • Protection Spell *If going to hell*
  • Concentration

Casting Instructions for 'Travel To Another Realm'

Again, this is traveling in YOUR MIND. You will not physically go there.

There are four places you can go. Some easier than others. The easiest are Heaven and Hell, or whatever afterlife you believe in. The hardest are what I like to call the Death Realm, where you can find lost spirits that don't fit in and have nowhere else to go. Possibly the hardest is the Animal Realm, where you can find the spirits of animals.

Now, onto how to get to them. Before you go anywhere, make sure to read the warnings* below.

The first step is to visualize a black void-like area, ♡meditating while doing this helps♡ there is a white light above you. This, is heaven. A red light below you, this is hell. A gray light to the left. This is the death realm. And lastly, a dark purple light to the right. As you can guess, this the animal realm. Look directly at the place you need to go. Start swimming, flying, gliding, or.. whatever feels natural to you to get there. Go into the light and you are free to explore whatever area you are in. When you need to leave, find the light and get back to the void-like area. You can open your eyes when you are back.



Do NOT and I repeat NOT go anywhere until reading and accepting the warnings

Heaven- If you have a pact with the devil, a demon, or practice a lot of black magic, multiple angelic creatures will try to block you from getting inside. Once past them, you should be safe. You can ask god or one of the angelic beings to bring a spirit to you as well, and have a conversation with the dead. 

Hell- If you practice a lot of white magic and have a very pure heart, the demons will try to keep you out. If the demons are strong enough, they can physically hurt you. This is why I heavily advise not going if you are very good. And, no matter what, you must use a protection spell every five minutes or demons may drag you down so far you can never leave.

Death Realm- This is fairly simple, don't disrespect the spirits or beings there.

Animal Realm- Do not tamper with dangerous animals.


If you are having trouble getting anywhere or have questions/concerns feel free to contact me.



Added to on Jun 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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can you ask the devil or god to summon someone from a different world

Apr 18, 2019

Mar 10, 2022
Summon Spirit from other world is possible, but if you means physically like phenomenon in the deep jungle forest or no people mountain (by the place Tutelary deity or high spirits there) that where people suddenly/accidently teleported, it just not even 100m (as i search in archive), then i think it is not possible to summon someone from different world (with now days human level), more over if it just a little spell or instruction, will not able to do it entirely.

Have you actually traveled to any of the realms and does it differ between person on what the realm looks like?

May 28, 2020
I have only gone myself, but not using this spell I have no clue if the spell works. I also do not know if it looks different to different people because I have only gone alone.

Oct 08, 2020
Kaelan2.0, How did you travel to the other realms? Please tell

Jul 05, 2021
That's cap, did you actually go to another Realm? What was it like?

Like this is not creepy or anything.... :

can it actually work

Jun 18, 2019
It sounds like a form of visualization or astral projection, so it is possible, but as I don't believe in the realms this person listed I feel it's fake. Try it for yourself and see, since it does sounds more like a guided meditation technique to me.

Thanks for this spell I was trying to figure out what happened to me and my estate in Hell for the longest of times and I was a able to nice enough demon guide to guide me to the fire province in hell and find my estate and figure out what happened to my family there. So thanks for the spell!!!

I'm gonna do it now here goes!

Just so u know theres more than 4 there is maybe around 12 to 24 if i can remember but its very hard to get to some

How Do I Get Back Into The Time Realm Or The Unseen Realm?

Hey I'm part devil and few other things👾. So um dose anyone wants to explore deeper in hell? I'm not that evil as an devil.. I'm pretty nice for being the top 5 strongest devils there are.

May 27, 2021
Roleplaying is against site rules.

This sounds more like visualization of what you view these realms are than actual astral travel. They claim it is mental, which leads me to further conclude it is in fact visualization and not actual travel. Try it and see if it works for you, but I would not bother.

I see there is unicode (..symbol) in this spell, are actually we allowed to post ''unicode'' to a spell? (if you know just answer this)

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